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Selecting Project Management Software

Project management software exists in many different levels of sofistication and variety of prices. This article aims to help project managers realize what kind of project management software tools they need and find out how computers can help them in everyday routine.

Before choosing some particular tool you should have a look at the different kinds of projects to manage and corresponding PM skills. It is very important to pick a project management software tool appropriate for you and your organization. The following types of projects and project management software should cover the field broadly, though any categorization is very relative.  You can check out the Project Management Software at

At this stage, project managers typically design and schedule the durations of their subtasks, instead of capacities for resources or work estimates. They do not have to keep track of a budget for the project and their reports on project status are based on completion dates only.

Software for managing projects in this case helps project managers automatize routine tasks as

  • Planning the project
  • periodic status reports to be prepared
  • producing Gantt charts
  • If your tasks in managing projects do not have a goal to increase and this functionality is sufficient to satisfy your needs, don't spend a lot or waste time on a lengthy learning curves regarding features you'll never utilize.