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All About Screen Printing Shirts

A quick and easy method of applying a design to the desired garment is known as screen printing. Screen printing on materials and clothing is very popular in the textile industry today and this process is very often used for screen printing on shirts, especially t-shirts because it is very popular and is often used on clothes. 

This process is widely used in the textile industry to decorate shirts with the desired design or color pattern to make the shirts more attractive and therefore more attractive to potential customers.

Shirts and t-shirts are ideal for this application and companies very often take advantage of the advertising and promotional opportunities that these items can offer. Customized t-shirt printing according to customer requirements at affordable prices, which makes it very popular among clothing designers.

When screen printing a shirt, the selected design is copied onto the garment using special ink. Basically, it is a method of pattern printing, as the pattern is formed by fixing silk stretched over a wooden or metal frame. Finely woven silk is used for the fine details. Sometimes, for special purposes, nets made of steel wire or plastic gauze are used. 

The design can be applied directly to the screen by painting it with an oily environment (ink, paint, etc.). Water-soluble gum is then applied to the screen, which closes the pores of the silk. However, oily areas resist chewing gum and oily paints are then washed off with a solvent such as turpentine and the corresponding silk areas become resistant to ink.