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Are Smoke Alarms Getting Smarter?

The short answer to that question is yes; Smoke alarms are getting smarter. Now let us look into why that is.

Over the years smoke, CO and fire alarm round white stuff on the ceiling in your home that wakes you in the middle of the night with a beep when the battery must be changed. You can get to know about hard wired smoke alarm via  Fire one.

Smart alarm or smoke detector offers the following advantages:

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They can detect smoke and CO2 faster

They will tell you in English when their batteries need to be changed

They will automatically be able to test themselves

They can be controlled by APP on your phone

They can provide a visual cue that they work

Another important feature is if you have multiple alarms in your house them all together network. If the alarm sounds, it will force all the alarm to sound.

There are many features that manufacturers can add through software updates delivered directly to the alarm. Which will create an alarm you updated with features for years. Most alarm smoke / CO2 detectors will have expiration dates between 5 and 10 years. This means that the material in alarm that detects smoke or CO 2 has exceeded its ability to detect smoke or CO2. It's smart alarm will notify you when it's time, so you can replace your unit.

Intelligent alarm can communicate with Alexa, Google Now, etc. This allows them to connect to devices such as thermostats, lights, doors, etc. In past years everything in your home will be connected. Which says; always make sure that you control the equipment, not vice versa.