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Buy Cones And Space Markers

When marking out a drill or training session, it's always useful to have some markers or cones that outline the area you're looking for people to work in. There are so many different styles that suit a variety of sports rather than being very sport-specific.

You can see that area marker cones completely cover the overall sports. All markers and cones are suitable for indoor or outdoor use, while flat markers are great for use in the gym for marking or positioning feet or even aiming for a ball. This allows players to step on it without fear of tripping or slipping. All flat markers are made of vinyl or rubber with a non-slip base.

The space marker cones are ideal for marking the room a player is working in, or even for targeting players. With a design that easily collapses when stepped on, making it very safe for all ages.

If you are marking a larger step, you may prefer to use a collapsible cone as it is taller and easier to see from a distance – by using the collapsible ones – if you fall or slide into it, the cone will collapse on its own reducing the risk injury.

Sports markers and traffic cones are congested, so using them as field markers or start/endpoints is a good idea.