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Consequences of Alleged Sexual Violence in Naples

First, it should be understood that the nature of the allegations radically affects the nature of subsequent police investigations. While “tunnel vision” can infect any investigation, in most cases it is true that a police investigation will at least attempt to determine: whether a crime was committed, and when it occurred. 

For some allegations, particularly allegations of domestic violence or sexual assault, no such investigation was conducted. Once an allegation of sexual assault is made, the veracity of the allegation is almost always accepted by police investigators. You can now get in touch with a reliable sex crime lawyer in Naples via

What is Considered Sexual Assault? A Guide on Sexual Assault.

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The subsequent “investigation” consisted of the process of gathering evidence to support the allegations rather than gathering evidence to determine whether the allegations were true. What happened? The pendulum only changed because allegations of sexual assault were not taken seriously enough. 

In court efforts to remedy past flaws, the pendulum has been broken by previously untouched criminal justice principles to protect the innocent. In many ways, the applicant’s mantra of sensitivity now extends beyond the presumption of innocence. 

The right to appear before the prosecutor in court, and the right to a full and fair cross-examination of the prosecutor. The guidelines do not allow police officers to exercise discretion in filing charges. They are also not allowed to continue their investigation once they arrive in court.