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Dental Implants – A Way To Healthier Life

Dental implants are nothing more than metal screws that are inserted into the jawbone. It serves as an anchor for false teeth. When a dental implant restoration is properly constructed, neither the patient nor anyone else should have any indication that it is an implant. 

Dental implants are denture roots that are implanted in or in your jawbone. Dental implants are a safe and effective way to replace missing teeth, two or more teeth, and even entire rows of teeth.  To get more information about the best dental implants in Melrose visit

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Dental implants look very natural and feel very natural. If you've lost a tooth and you want to smile, talk, and eat again comfortably and confidently, the good news is dental implants are teeth that can look and feel like your own.

With the right conditions, such as placement by a periodontist and overall patient support, implants can last a lifetime. Long-term studies continue to show increased implant success.

Cosmetic dentistry can also offer restorative benefits. For example, dental fillings are a common method of treating carious teeth. Previously, most fillings were made mostly of gold, amalgam, and other materials that left dark stains on teeth.

Dental fillings today can be categorized as cosmetic dentistry because you can choose a porcelain or composite filling that matches the exact color of your teeth, thereby preserving the natural appearance of your teeth and your smile.

Good dental health is not only important for a healthy appearance but also for the health of the whole body.