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Favourite Chinese Cuisine – Dim Sum

What’s in your mind when you hear the word Chinese cooking? A very varied cuisine and delicious tastes! Of all the dishes that have areas of Asia, Chinese cuisine is the most popular dish.

Dim sum originally intended to be small parcels consisting of small bite-sized portions of food so that all the food can be tasted and there will be no wastage.

To learn more about Chinese Cuisine, please browse this website. Dim sum offers a variety of fillings such as shrimp, shiitake mushrooms, pak choi, black mushroom and chive. 

How to eat dim sum: The best five dishes in Hong Kong | CNN Travel

To prepare translucent wrap for the dumplings, eggs, salt, flour, starch and vegetable oil and a little hot water. This kneaded to make a smooth dough that is rolled into a cylindrical shape, cut into small portions and kept under wraps to retain moisture. 

Every little piece is then rolled into a circular shape and given the desired edge. Then, the patch could be one of the items stated before filled in and the dim sum sealed.

Chinese cooking style is a combination of the various parties associated with geographical, historical, and even culture. Therefore cuisine in China is a harmonious integration of flavor, aroma, colour, and shape.