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Features That Video Chatbot Should Have For Interview

Recruitment patterns have changed over the years and there is a lower human involvement in the whole process. This write-up will be a guide for you if you wish to obtain the services of the best video chatbots for interviews.

You must find out that do you really need ChatBots via Business Builders connection  to get better results. You will find some important features that video chatbots top exhibition that makes them stand out from the rest. Have a look at the features themselves.

  • AI scanning

The best video chatbots being uber equipped with artificial intelligence that tracks every movement of candidates appearing for an interview. Efficiency bots interview video platform really depends on how much it can analyze the behavior and attitudes of those who sit on the other side of the web cam.

Bot apart ask general questions about the candidate's skills and experience are also taking care of MCQ round. When a virtual face to face round case, bot focuses on several aspects. He checked out the amount present smile on the face of candidates who will determine his level of confidence during the interview period.

  • Leader Board

The best video Chatbot for an interview will always have a leader board which will highlight the performance of the candidates appearing in the round of initial video. Now if you think what leader board is, it is nothing but a score card of all the candidates who entered for Chatbot messages and attend a video interview. Scores from all round the bot video takes are added and the final value rankings attest to the candidate.