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Foundation For Peace Initiatives In South Africa

The Democratic Alliance Foundation (DAF) has been working in Africa for over 25 years. The DAF headquarters are in Johannesburg, South Africa, but the organization works in every African country. One of the main areas of work for the DAF is peace initiatives.

The Foundation Peace Initiative program was started in 1993 with the goal of reducing tensions and conflicts between different groups in African societies. The program has worked with communities of all sizes and at all levels of development. In 2010, the initiative helped to create or maintain peace agreements in Angola, Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania and Uganda.

One of DAF's most recent peace initiatives is Operation Khulu-Kulani (OKK). OKK was launched in August 2013 to help heal divisions between the Manganiyar and Temne communities of Northern Malawi. The two groups have been fighting each other for centuries and there is a long history of violence and human rights abuses.

With support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), DAF is working with local organizations to create joint patrols and develop community policing structures.

The Democratic Alliance Foundation (DAF) is a South African non-profit organization that promotes democracy, human rights and social justice. DAF has been working in the field of peacebuilding in Africa since 1995. One of its main initiatives is the Peace in Divided Societies project, which seeks to build trust and understanding between communities in conflict zones.