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Gas Mask Comparison – Basic, Intermediate and Advanced

Conducting your own gas mask comparison can be a lengthy, confusing process. There are so many different types of gas masks on the market, all promising some unique advantage apart from the rest. If you are interested then you can check out this website to find gas masks in a variety of classes and filter systems.

You will find prices ranging from the low end of around $30 (including carrying bag) to some that approach $1,000! Sorting through the many options means becoming familiar with things like TIC/CWA contaminants, CBRN standards, etc.

Are your eyes gassing over?

The nuances might matter to fire departments, chemical spill response teams, hazmat units, etc. But, for the average prepper, you can group gas masks in three levels: basic, intermediate, and advanced.


The GP-5 is the ubiquitous Soviet gas mask seen in so many Cold War pictures coming out of Eastern Europe. It’s been dubbed “the most popular gas mask in the world.” This “popularity” is a result of the quantity produced, not because of superior quality.


Like the GP-5, this Israeli civilian gas mask was issued by the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) to all Israeli citizens for use during an NBC attack. It is the civilian version of the IDF’s Israeli M15 mask. The mask was developed during the Gulf War and distributed to over 4 million Israelis.


Anyone that knows anything about higher-end gas masks knows the MIRA name. My MIRA CM-6M came directly from MIRA Safety. You aren’t going to find any Russian or Israeli civilian masks at their site. They only sell the best.