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Get The Idea Of Maintenance Tips For Commercial Refrigerator

Maintaining the refrigerator should be a top priority when building your restaurant business. 

Maintaining a commercial refrigerator allows you to store groceries for longer while saving costs and allowing your customers to enjoy fresh groceries. You can also look for the best leading provider to get the top refrigerator case cleaning services.

If you want your restaurant refrigeration equipment to work properly, you must rely on proper maintenance.

1. Clean the module inside and out

The refrigerator in your restaurant now needs to be cleaned constantly. You will need to do a thorough cleaning of your entire refrigeration unit every week or every two weeks. Create and follow a schedule that includes:

-Scrub the surface

-Remove and clean the shelf

-Clean the outdoor unit with a cleaning solution that kills germs and bacteria

-You can use soap and water or a hot water and vinegar solution for the inside of your refrigerator. You want to make sure that you have removed all drawers and shelves and immersed them in the cleaning solution of your choice. Commercially available cleaners can be purchased for this.

2. Check your air filter

Air filters accumulate a lot of buildups because they are an integral part of the ventilation process. In commercial kitchens, checking your air filter should be on your refrigeration maintenance checklist.

Check everything in your refrigerator and replace it if necessary. Cleaning, especially when removing dirt and grease, will extend the life of your system.