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Have You Ever Wanted To Publish A Book?

Lots of folks believe they have a great book idea, but they think it is much too hard to actually compose a book and get it published. These days, many regular people are learning that the Internet has made it possible for them to become self published authors. 

There are a variety of very good platforms that provide self publishing mentoring to beginners. They will help you convert your manuscript into the correct format, and they will even help you distribute and publish your work. However, self published authors usually have to work as hard at marketing their book as they did writing their book.

online book publishing

All they need is a good idea, the ability to compose and format a book, and then the right tools to help them get published.

Would you like to have your book printed out? Would you rather start with a digital book that can be read on a computer or with an e-reader? This is a personal choice. Ideally, we think you should work to have both a digital and printed book version. It is slightly easier to start with digital books, and then work your way up to having a printed version.

This may be the best time to self publish. You will probably have to allocate quite a bit of time to your project, and you will need to be ready to learn a lot about book production and marketing. Self publishing a book is perfect for those who crave freedom from the oppression of bullying publishers and controlling literary agents.