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How Self Defense For Women is Unique

With all the self-defense courses aimed at women, it's easy to wonder if this focus on women is not only comparable marketing. However, what women really need to know about defense are different from what men need to know, and it's not just about physical strength. After you understand how unique self-defense is for women, it's time to choose the most suitable self-defense course for you. You can also read more about self defense through the internet.

Body language

One of the main problems faced by women in self-defense is a tendency to look scared and cowardly in dangerous places. Men tend to bully better even when they are afraid. Because the attacker relies on body language to choose someone who is weak enough to defeat, women who have learned to show strength even though fear tends to be attacked.

Women's intuition.

So far we have seen problems that make it difficult for women to defend themselves, but the ability to feel the danger is a field where women have an advantage. This does not mean that men do not have intuition, but women are more likely to believe their feelings, while many men are raised to ignore those feelings as "weak." In self-defense courses for women, women learn to use this intuition completely and respond to threats.

While women have some disadvantages in self-defense, a woman can defend itself no less than any man if they are well trained to ward off attacks. If you are a woman who wants to learn more about this skill, understanding unique self-defense for women will help you choose the right self-defense course and use it