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How to Customize Your Bathroom for the Disabled Without Renovating

Usually, when someone in a household needs a bathroom for a person with disabilities, consideration is given to repairing one of the existing bathrooms in the house or building an entire room. However, depending on the type of damage that needs repair, there may be times when the bathroom in the living room can be adjusted at no additional cost for a complete makeover.

If persons with disabilities move a little or use crutches, they can be adjusted without the need to hire a contractor. You can do everything yourself, especially if you have experience building. Here are some practical things you can do to adapt your bathroom for people with certain mobility disabilities. If you are looking for a disability equipment supplier then check over here.

How to Customize Your Bathroom for the Disabled Without Renovating

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Think about mobility issues

Remember to consider all bathroom areas with the needs of persons with disabilities. Can they easily get in and out of the bath or shower? In this case, you may not need to take an adaptive device like a bathroom lift or a shower chair.

In many cases, however, this adaptive device makes it easy to adapt the bath to the needs of different people with disabilities. If you have a traditional bathtub, you can easily add a bathtub lift with a swivel chair. A person who is slightly moved can easily sit in a chair, twist into his seat, and go to the bathroom for a warm, relaxing shower. This lift is machine-operated and can be operated by a passenger in a chair without assistance.

When you shower, you may want to add an adjustable shower chair to sit on in the shower. They have adjustable feet and rubber tips for stability. Some also have a role. They can be packaged and stored when not in use. You can also mount a shower chair on the wall if you have the equipment.