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How to Track Your Email Documents

Privacy is something we all strive to achieve in everyday life. We want privacy when it comes to medical information, credit cards, and phone calls, but we may not think about it with our email. As a business owner, it is important to keep the confidentiality of your customers safe, but it is also important that you manage your efficiency.

It is crucial to know what's going on with your business at any time and track your email is one of those ways. If you have already wondered if an email has been received and read, it's a good idea to use a tracking system. The main reason for using a tracking system is due to the lack of tools you will find with most standard messaging programs. The solution to your concern is the follow-up of the email.

This is very useful in workplaces where a manager has to confirm whether his subordinate had indeed received his instruction via email. There are several follow-up services that is worth trying with its trial version.

The service works on the Internet and even predict the location of the recipient. No need to put an image or web tag in the body of your email. You can also choose to install a plug to automatically add tracking in the recipient address each time you send an email.