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Importance Of Android App Development

Are you a professional or not, android is a term which is known by all. Currently, in the era of smartphones and tablet computers, Android is known to all.

So before discussing different android application development company first let us know a few things about android and why developing an android application can boost your business like nothing. If you want to get more information about android app development then you can explore

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What is Android? Generally, when we talk about smartphones and tablets, android terms come to mind. In the simplest terms, the android operating system is mainly open-source, developed and modified by a variety of institutions specifically designed for smartphones and tablet computers. It was first developed as a beta version in 2007 and immediately became a big hit in the market.

Now, what they have unique features which make the android like the worldwide hit, here are some of the features of android are discussed:

The user interface: The operating system provides us easy to use interface.

Database and storage capacity: Most of the Android OS has the SQLite as its database. SQLite is a lightweight relational database-weighted reduce data loss to a minimum. Also in hardware android allows having an expandable memory using an external SD card.