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Know The Importance Of Physical Therapy

When you hear about physical therapy, most people tend to think it is only for disabled people or other people with various types of diseases. This previously formed idea came from almost a whole century when physical therapy was first introduced in the United States and was used as an effective treatment for polio. 

Only in the middle of the 20th century when physical therapy began to creep up to hospitals and outpatient facilities and nursing units and various other medical facilities.

Physiotherapy in Timonium isn't only for people with disabilities, injured, or pain again thanks to the latest progress. Physical therapy intelligence is quite developed and expands outside the hospital and rehabilitation center.

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There are still people who do not know the physical therapy profession and also do not realize many ways that physical therapy can help them achieve overall health and well-being and maintain it to increase longevity and high quality of life.

So, if you don't know why physical therapy is not only for injury, you want to first ask a few questions to yourself. How do you feel right now? Can you physically do all the things you want to do? Can you climb the stairs without running out of breath? 

Do you have enough energy? Do you have pain and pain or interrupted injury? How is your mobility? Your diet? When you ask this question to yourself and more you will be surprised to find that physical therapy can help you with all aspects of your life and then some. This is why physical therapy is not only for injury.