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People Management – How To Run Effective One-To-Ones

Performance management of each of the team members is one of the main responsibilities of the manager. The main goal of this is that each team member will accomplish the desired performance and continually improve and develop.

The people management processes mainly for getting regular performance management meetings. Click here to find more information of people management. 

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The objectives of the One-to-one people management are:

The one-to-one performance is a 15-20 minute meeting with the report that is held on a regular basis. The goal is to use this session to keep everyone moving forward towards the development, improvement, and motivation to achieve success.

The format may vary from session to session, but the overall goal is that everyone is productive and take the person in front. The most basic is a simple examination of the session that was held last week. How things are going? What was the level of performance? What worked well? What did not? What are the learning points for the future? What is the specific objective for next week? and many other things. 

This is the time to identify the strengths to praise or to get the team member to look at how they could do things better.

The nature of the One-to-one Performance:

To be effective, one on one is just a conversation between two persons. It is not a monologue by the manager and nor is it supported by the team member. It is a structured conversation where the team member guide manager to review their performance and identify next steps.