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Scaling And Root Planing In Dentistry: An Alternative Procedure For Gum Disease

Periodontal disease is a serious gum disease that should not be left untreated. If a dentist doesn't take care of the gums, the person can start losing teeth. Although periodontal disease is serious, there are several types of treatments that are beneficial.

Surgery is a common form of procedure, but depending on the severity of the condition, a non-surgical procedure called scaling and root planning may be appropriate. To get more information about the scaling and root planing visit

scaling and root planing

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Process summary

Exfoliation and root planing are actually deep cleaning procedures that are ideal for the early stages of periodontal disease. Scaling and root planing are usually used as the sole treatment under local anesthesia unless the tooth is badly damaged. 

During the "scaling" section, the dentist uses a mechanical device to remove excess bacteria from the tooth. Bacteria can take the form of plaque, tartar, or decay.

The "planning part" of this procedure involves cleaning below the surface of the gums.There are two common types of tools: ultrasonic tools or scrapers. Dental patients prefer ultrasonic instruments because they do not cause discomfort.

Suitable candidate

To determine whether a person's periodontal disease is suitable for scaling and planning, dentists use guidelines from the American Dental Association (ADA). According to the ADA, gum disease that extends between 3 and 6 millimeters below the gum line is suitable for scaling and planning.