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Step to Follow For Rental Car Accidents

Well maybe you're just the safest driver, but that doesn't mean the people around you are safe. It is important to know what to do before and after an accident. You can also get information about rental car accidents through

Why Self-drive Car Rental is better than Taxis and Cabs?

The most important thing to do when driving a rental car is to get insurance. While you may be covered by your credit card company and insurance company, it's a good idea to research your insurance coverage before renting a car.

It is also a wise investment to get additional insurance if you feel that you are not fully covered by the previous two. Most of the time, this additional insurance will only cost you ten dollars a day, but it can really save you money, in the long run, should something happen.

In the event of an accident, you should immediately contact the police. Do not leave the scene of the accident and try to keep the car as it was at the time of the crash.

After calling the police, you should contact the owner and inform them of the incident. When talking to the owner, never plead guilty and you should never offer to pay damages or arrange with another driver without the owner's consent.