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Tips on Becoming a Hostel Hero


Staying in a hostel is known to be one of the best places to travel and meet new people. Moreover, hostels organize tons of activities for all travelers such as drinking games, movie nights, and more. Being an introvert does not mean that a shy person cannot have fun while staying in a hostel. These are some of the awesome tips that will make you feel like a hero and have lots of fun while staying in a hostel.

  1. Do Not Feel Shy – Introverts should let their fear of meeting new people out by approaching other travelers. Try introducing yourself with a simple ‘Hello’ or ‘What is your name?’. You never know the confidence you will start to generate while talking to other travelers.
  2. Approach Solo Travelers – Instead of approaching a group of people at one time, try approaching a solo traveler. For instance; if you see a single traveler sitting with you in your room, then grab the opportunity of talking to them.
  3. Organize a Meal – Since hostels allow travelers to use the kitchen, you can try organizing a meal with a few friends that you’ve just made. Try collecting a few dollars from the travelers and go grocery shopping. It isn’t necessary that you need to organize a grand meal. A simple form of risotto or spaghetti creates a positive impression.
  4. Buy Something – A cool thing to do as a hero is to buy something for fellow travelers. For instance; while hanging at the bar try buying a pint or can of beer. It will surely bring a smile to the face.

This is how you become a hero while staying in Phuket hostels.