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Tips to Make Friendship Bracelets

It is good to keep the circle of friends. That's good that you know someone is there to catch your return, to hold your hand, to provide a shoulder to lean on.

Do you want to strengthen your bond with your friends? Do you want to do something creative to tell your friends how much they mean to you? Then, learn how to make a friendship bracelet. You can buy best paracord bracelet jig via to make friendship bracelets.

Friendship bracelets are interesting accessories that are not only cool to wear but also very interesting to make. You can learn how to make this bracelet if you have an interest in creativity.

Read on for a simple and easy tutorial on how to make friendship bracelets and start creating a long-lasting bond with your precious friends.

Image result for bracelet jig

Image Source: Google

Step 1: Gather the necessary materials. For starters, you can work around how to make a friendship bracelet of the thread. When you feel you can handle the task well enough, you can proceed to place the add-ons such as beads.

Step 2: Cut the yarn. You should consider the size of your bracelet. Make sure that it will fit in with people who you would give it to. If you have about the same size as your friends, you may be with your pattern size.

Step 3: Make knots. There are several ways to make knots. Once you start, you will learn more about them. A good start point is to make sure you secure the top end.

Step 4: Repeat the process until all the threads weave finish line. After that, you are ready to close by making a knot.

Step 5: Cut any loose ends and try a friendship bracelet to your wrist. Make sure that it fits quite well.