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Top Ideas for Celebrating a Birthday

Outdoor parties have a certain charm to them. There’s just something about fresh air. Perhaps it’s because it’s the best thing to keep people awake, but outdoor birthdays just seem to go on for longer.

It’s all fine and well if you live in the countryside or the suburbs, but what do you do if you live in the city? Or what if all your guests live in different parts of town?

Fortunately, it’s still very much possible to celebrate your birthday with a big bang outdoors.

If you are searching for clubs or lounges to host birthday parties or perhaps maybe the best lounges to host birthday parties  or better yet the best lounge for live music tonight, then you can browse the web.

Outdoor Bars

If you’re not entirely sure the weather will treat you well, hiring a pub terrace or beer garden is a brilliant plan because it provides a fallback option – the pub’s indoor areas.

A city with high-rise buildings is likely to be home to at least a couple of sky lounges with outdoor areas. Many can be found in hotels. These are often quiet bars offering cocktails and canapes so guests would be expected to get a bit dressed up.

Alternatively, for a more chilled-out outdoor get-together, a local beer garden could be just the trick. These are, in most cases, casual venues where you can easily get away with wearing jeans and T-shirts.

Some pubs might offer to decorate the area for you, but if not, ask whether you could hang some fairy lights or lanterns in the trees, or at least dot a few balloons throughout.