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Tree Planting: What Are The Benefits

Tree planting is now a necessity in this age of global warming. Tree planting is a great option, as it has many more benefits than we read about in books.

It is however sad to see that every minute 33 soccer pitches are cleared of trees. There are ways you can help. Get started now and learn about the many benefits of planting trees. You can get more info about stormwater pollution by reading this article.

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Urban residents can enjoy greater privacy, enhance their views, screen out undesirable views, reduce glare, reflect light, and provide a barrier from noise and wind. It is a smart investment to plant trees around your home.

According to the Society of Arboriculture (ISA), property values are 5-20 percent higher for decorated homes than those without landscaping.

Because vines and trees are shaded, you will have lower utility bills. By making our communities more attractive and adding color to individual areas and businesses, greening helps improve their quality of life.

Our quality of life is affected by our daily moods, our activities, as well as our physical and emotional health. Social scientists have found significant evidence to support this conclusion.

After a stressful event, people who look at nature have lower stress levels and feel less fear, anger, or aggression. Patients in hospitals are more likely to recover faster if they can see trees through their windows.

Stormwater from our streets can often carry a wide range of pollutants into the ocean. Many pollutants can be removed from the ocean by allowing the water to soak into the soil.