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Types Of Personal Duress Alarms In Lane Cove

Personal duress alarms are self-contained units that help protect you and your loved ones in the event of an emergency. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be used in a variety of situations. Typical uses for individual duress alarms include protecting yourself or loved ones from hostage takers, domestic violence victims, or other violent situations.

Personal duress alarms are a great way to ensure your safety when you're in an unsafe or threatening situation. There are a variety of types of personal duress alarms, so it's important to know what type is best for you. Here are the different types of personal duress alarms:

-GPS tracking alarm: This type of alarm tracks your location using GPS technology. If you're ever kidnapped or if your safety is threatened, the alarm will send a notification to your phone so you can locate yourself.

-Remote monitoring alarm: This type of alarm signals someone if you activate it from a distance. If you're ever kidnapped or if your safety is threatened, the alarm will send a notification to a designated person or contact.

-Personal emergency beacon: This type of alarm emits a signal that can be detected by search and rescue crews. If you're ever stranded or lost, activating the emergency beacon will help rescuers find you.

-Time-sensitive alarm: This type of alarm triggers automatically after a set amount of time has passed. For example, if you're in danger but don't want someone to know right away, a time-sensitive alarm would be your best choice.