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Wedding Receptions – Sprucing Up the Dance Floor

One of the most overlooked areas of wedding planning is the dance floor. But as your first bite of food together and your first toast together, you want your first dance to take place in a location as magical as the rest of your wedding. 

Here are some ideas for decorating that most important space!

1. Dance Floor: For something unique and personal, a personalized floor with your name and the wedding date is the way to go. You can also look for the amazing LED wedding dance floor hire agency at

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2. The Magic of Balloons: Universal and inexpensive balloons can be added in a variety of creative ways. Many party shops make helium balloon wreaths that you can decorate with hanging ribbons in your wedding colors. 

Drag them across the dance floor and the long hanging ribbon will sway with the dance. You can also build a balloon arch over the area or have a gazebo decorated with balloons to create a spectacular entrance.

3. Festive Fairy Lights: There's nothing more romantic than mini fairy lights that add a soft, candle-like glow to your reception. Build or rent a center column, then install white or colored mini fairy lights in all four corners. Place candles on the table around the floor and you will have a soft and lovely atmosphere for your first dance.

So now imagine a stunning light-reflecting dance floor dancing overhead, a gazebo decorated with balloons in your wedding colors to walk through, and your own personalized floor sticker to dance and experience an unforgettable magical moment.