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What Essential Bike Clothing Do I Need

Specific bike clothing is not necessarily important for family cycling fun, but it can make a difference in terms of comfort when you begin to start up again. It is also a great excuse to spend extra money in the stores. These days, cycling clothing can be picked up very cheaply in many places. Reputed brands regularly do bike specials and their bike clothing is surprisingly good quality for the price. Other good outlets  can be found online such as

But what bike clothes I really need?

If you are reluctant to splash out large amounts of cash on certain bike clothes, you should consider buying a pair of bicycle shorts or leggings. This can make cycling much more comfortable as a special pad that is integral to the garment. This thick section of padding designed to protect your delicate parts of a bicycle saddle pressure. Men and women shorts and leggings contain pads in different areas for obvious reasons.

You might be put off buying padded shorts and leggings after seeing some scary lycra sights out and about, but do not assume you are doomed to look like a sausage on a bike once you don a pair of padded shorts-there are lots of different styles available, many of which include loose-fit shorts that would look okay on the average beach.

For winter biking, a pair of bib tights are a good idea because it protects the lower back from the cold wind and water splashes. They do not look very elegant, but there are times when you have to put a vanity to one side in the name of comfort! A bicycle useful piece of clothing is a particular cycling raincoat.