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What Is The Anterior Approach to Hip Replacement?

There are a few different types of hip replacements available, but the anterior approach hip replacement is the most common. This type of surgery is usually recommended for people who have arthritis in their hips and are not able to walk or function well on their own. The surgery involves removing the hip joint and replacing it with a new one.

The anterior approach hip replacement is a safe and effective option for many people. It has a high satisfaction rate, and patients typically report excellent results after the surgery.

If you are having constant hip pain, then Cape Fear Orthopedics may be the right place for you. Our team of experts can help you find the best treatment options for your specific condition. We offer a variety of treatments, including hip replacements and joint replacement surgeries. We also offer rehabilitation services that can help you recover from your surgery as quickly as possible.

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The anterior approach hip replacement surgery is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that uses an incision in the side of the hip to replace the hip joint. The surgery is usually done through a small opening in the side of the ribcage. This allows the surgeon to see and access the hip joint without having to go through the more traditional central incision in the lower abdomen. 

The anterior approach has several benefits over other types of hip replacements. First, it is less risky than other surgeries because there is minimal damage to surrounding organs. Second, it is often less painful than other procedures. And lastly, it can be performed on patients who are still able to walk and use their leg muscles.