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Why Do PC and Video Games Are Beneficial

A child's imagination can be stimulated through role-playing and adventure games. Even if some of these games can seem tasteless due to their graphic nature and violence, they can play a positive and important role in a child's development by promoting teamwork, building confidence, and improving motor skills.

Playing such video games will only provide a child with a healthy means of expression. Certain video games are believed to teach children high-level thinking skills which they would benefit from in the future.

Now that we have looked at the benefits for children, let's look at what benefits video games hold for the rest of us. You can also play different video games at

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Research into the pros and cons of video games is being conducted by various bodies including universities in some parts of the world and the result is that the pros outweigh the cons in respect of benefits.

When playing video games, you would need to react quickly and take split-second decisions in order to succeed in the given task. It is believed that this kind of practice would provide benefits in real life where you would be able to react with speed and take quick decisions.

Brain scientists have discovered that a certain driving video game, created by a research and development team at the University of California in San Francisco could improve the short-term memory and long-term focus of older adults.

It was found that immersion in a game distracts the mind from pain and discomfort. Due to this reason, some hospitals have started to suggest that children and others undergoing painful treatments play games to reduce their distress and anxiety.