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Women In Leadership Roles – What Is Leadership?

Leadership is more than just setting goals or tasks. Leadership is defining a vision and inspiring others to achieve it. Women in leadership roles are particularly good at defining an objective and directing a group to achieve the goal in a cohesive manner.

A good leader shows the way and fosters an environment where all members of the group feel engaged in the project. To know more about Leadership qualities, you can visit

Women have a fantastic ability to form a strong emotional connection, be empathetic and supportive. While these are wonderful qualities, women in leadership positions should be careful not to blur the boundaries.

What makes a good leader?

There are several common personality traits that women in leadership roles show.

Be a good listener

A leader needs to set the direction, but a good leader also listens to input from others. By keeping an open mind and listen to ideas, new ways to achieve the goals can be found. A good leader makes sure everyone in the group feel heard and has the opportunity to contribute.

Focused and motivated

A good leader is enthusiastic and focused on the task, but also about their role as leader. People respond to passion and positive energy, and good leaders create motivated team lead by example.


One of the properties of women and leadership that often comes up is to be 'available'. Women often are more empathetic than men and therefore more ‘available for their team members. Team members need to feel they can approach their leader and speak freely.

Be Strategic

A good leader can keep their minds on the 'big picture' and keep the project moving forward. However it is also important to be able to split the project into sub parts for closer analysis.