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Creating Your Own Custom Instagram AR Filters

Custom Instagram effects help to boost customer engagement on Instagram Stories. AR filters and custom Instagram filters are computer-generated effects designed like real-life images and it adds personality to your Instagram Stories. AR filters work with your camera, adding a layer or imagery in the foreground or background of your image. 

If you’ve ever added a face filter to your Stories on Instagram, you’ve used augmented reality. Creating your own custom Instagram filter can help leverage your brand by more accurately depicting your brand’s style and tone of voice. You can check in detail about custom Instagram effects via It also adds fun to your Instagram stories. 

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to get started creating yours how to create your own Customer Instagram Effects:

  • Spark AR Studio is a desktop application, which is used to design custom Instagram filters. So, download Spark AR Studio
  • Spark AR Studio comes with a helpful welcome tour. Once the App gets Installed, spend some time to cover a few tutorials to get familiar with the platform. It also includes tutorials on creating a face tracking effect, previewing Spark AR Studio effects.
  • In the next step, choose the type of Filter you would like to create. With your object in the Viewport, it’s time to add effects. After choosing the type of filter, add effects to your filter.
  • Now, test your new effect, and after testing publish your effect