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Dome Hockey: An Exciting Game for the Entire Family

Dome hockey, also known as bubble hockey, is an exciting game that can be enjoyed by the entire family. This table game is a great way to spend time together and it’s a great way to get in some physical activity. Dome hockey is a fast-paced, exciting game that will keep everyone entertained for hours.

The dome hockey game is a game played on a dome-shaped table with two players controlling the game. Each player has a set of players (usually plastic) that are attached to rods. The players are moved around the table by the rods, which are controlled by the players. The goal of the game is to score more goals than the other player. The game is usually played to a certain number of goals or a certain amount of time.

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The Object of the Game

The object of the game is to score more goals than the other player. The players must use the rods to control the players on their team and try to maneuver them around the table in order to shoot the puck into the goal of the opposing team. Players are also allowed to block shots and try to intercept passes in order to prevent the other team from scoring.

Rules of the Game

Dome hockey has some basic rules that must be followed. The game starts with a face-off where the players position their players on the center spot and then shoot the puck to the opposite goal. After a goal is scored, the puck is reset to the center spot and the game starts again. The game is usually timed and the player with the most goals at the end of the time limit is the winner.