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Golden Age of Computer Forensics

Computer forensic investigators or rather examiners handle the task of extracting evidence from digital devices and testify about them in the courts. They use forensic video analysis software to do most of their investigation.


Typically computer forensic examiners will testify in civil and criminal litigation regarding, securities, mortgage and bank frauds, child pornography, tax and bankruptcy frauds and other alleged crimes.

Computer forensics is a revolutionary discipline and encompasses the technical and general aspects of IT, individual’s curiosity and ability to solve problems. Computer forensic has been used to track financial fraud cases and disclose the credentials of the involved suspects leading to their apprehension.

Identity thieves have faced trials for their notorious acts, thanks to the “art” of computer forensics that helped a great deal in unmasking them and ensuring they are held responsible.

Individuals practising in child pornography may think they can go undetected by tricks and stealth, even in this current age of computer forensics, until your computer IP is disclosed and you have cops at your doorstep.