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Pool Enclosures Improve Pool Safety

Most people love to cool off in a backyard swimming pool during the hot summer months. However, many people may not be aware of the dangers associated with having a pool in their backyard. Unsupervised pools can be an accident waiting to happen, especially when small children are around. In order to ensure the safety of family and friends while still enjoying the pleasure of a swimming pool, many people are turning to pool enclosures.

Pool enclosures are a great way to increase safety while still being able to enjoy your pool. A pool enclosure is a structure that surrounds a swimming pool and is designed to keep out debris, animals, and children when the pool is not in use. Enclosures can range from a simple fence to a permanent structure with a roof and walls. 

The enclosure can range in size from the small backyard pool to the large commercial pool. Pool enclosures can be made from a variety of materials, including wood, metal, and plastic. Some enclosures are even made from glass, allowing for an unobstructed view of the pool. For a more permanent solution, some enclosures are built directly into the ground. 

In addition to increasing safety, pool enclosures also provide a more attractive appearance to the pool area. When installing a pool enclosure, it is important to make sure that it meets local building codes and safety regulations. All pool enclosures should be designed with safety in mind and must be installed in accordance with local building codes.