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Selecting The Right Platform For Mobile App Development

Nearly everyone nowadays has a smartphone. From adults to teens, it is known that most mobile device users spend at least 50% of their time browsing different apps for various purposes.

This has also increased the demand for application developers and mobile app development companies. There are more than 5 million apps on the market, and thousands of new apps are being released each day. Sites like also provide app development services.

Image source:-Google

It is imperative to develop highly competitive applications due to the increased competition and the millions of other competitors. Before you start the development process, both developers and business owners must consider all aspects. The most important thing is to choose the right platform.

Here are some things to keep in mind when selecting the right platform for your mobile application development.

Your target audience:

Your target audience is the most important thing you should consider when choosing the right platform to host your application. Do your research thoroughly and create a profile of customers. This factor will greatly impact the success of your application.

Before you choose a platform, ask yourself questions such as who will use it, what they can gain from it, and so on. Don't forget to consider geographic locations. The region you're targeting will play a major role in the platform choice. Before you choose the platform, make sure you consider your target audience and geographic locations.

Market fragmentation:

Android supports nearly 160 devices, and is expected to continue growing. Apple and iOS have a different strategy. iOS 5.0 is compatible with over 15 devices. You will now need to choose which platforms you would like your app to work with and decide on the devices that you wish it to be compatible with.