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Three Ways to Know You Have Glaucoma

Glaucoma is an eye condition in which the pressure inside the eye becomes elevated. If left untreated, the persistent pressure can damage the optic nerve.

This damage is irreversible, meaning that eyesight can become badly disoriented or dropped entirely. This problem is the second top cause of blindness in the USA.

Glaucoma surgery is particularly dangerous because it often produces no apparent symptoms until the individual’s eyesight was permanently damaged.

Three Ways to Know You Have Glaucoma

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If the status is discovered early, it may be successfully controlled with specific eye drops. Laser treatment or surgery can be occasionally required to alleviate the pressure in the eye.

1. Regular Screenings

Since glaucoma normally advances gradually and doesn’t create any pain, it’s vital for normal screenings. While easy, it offers crucial information regarding the pressure inside the eye.

Most doctors recommend the test every two to four years to get individuals under 40 and each a couple of years for individuals over 40.

2. Loss of Peripheral Vision

Thus, people using a complex form of the disease frequently observe a gradual loss of vision around the borders. But an immediate medical intervention may block the development of their vision loss.

3. Sudden, Intense Eye Pain

Glaucoma can be broken into two chief types. The first and most frequent form is slow-progressing. This condition typically doesn’t create any symptoms but may also be discovered via regular testing.

This type of the disease creates abrupt, severe eye pain, nausea, nausea, blurred vision and haloes around lights.

Laser Treatment

Common glaucoma treatments include drugs, surgery, and laser therapy. Laser surgery is done to relieve pressure inside the eye. It may preserve the individual’s eyesight but typically won’t improve it.

 Other Laser Eye Surgery Treatments

Lasers may also be utilized during refractive cataract operations. Within this process, the eye’s natural lens, which has been ruined with cataracts, is replaced with a synthetic lens that permits the individual to see clearly at different distances.

Especially, lasers may be employed to generate the incision in the eye, so open the lens capsule, and divide the organic lens for elimination.