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Tips to Help you Clean your Indoor Plant

Melbourne indoor plant hire

Investing in an indoor plant is one thing while keeping them clean is completely different. There are various types of cleaning procedures depending on the type of the indoor plant. Moreover, if you fail to clean your indoor plant, then it will eventually die. So, you might be wondering how do you clean your indoor plant kept inside your home. Here are a few cleaning tips for your indoor plant.

  1. Do some Research – The research is based on learning and understanding the type of indoor plant you have with you. Once you understand and learn the type of the indoor plant you have, follow the other steps.
  2. You can Use Cosmetic Products but Simple Ones – If you’re planning to use cosmetic products for cleaning, then ensure you use simpler ones. For instance; use a soft brush to clean the pores present on the surface of the leaves. Another alternative to using a soft brush would be a feather or child brush.
  3. You Simple Products and not Stupid Products – Products like oil and milk are considered as stupid products when it comes to cleaning to indoor plants. No doubt, these products have been used in the past however, it leads to formation of pores over and over again. Basic abilities of the plants like food producing, breathing get affected by the presence of pores that can lead to its death. Alternative to such products would be a non-detergent soap.

Learn more tips from indoor plant hire in Melbourne.