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Types Of Residential Plumbing

Residential homes vary in sizes, designs and shapes so it will be difficult to categorize them all. This is why the residential plumbing services are categorized instead. It is much easier to break down different plumbing problems that can be found in the walls of houses. There are many companies like that provide different types of plumbing services.

When categorizing residential plumbing there are two main types, which include branched and series home plumbing services. Each brings water to the shower, tub, sink, and toilet but in a different way. Both have concerns and benefits for the plumber. A plumber can easily test them to determine the type of home.

Branched Residential Plumbing:

This system can have a variety of different designs but they all share in common cold and heat pipe split and go into a different direction. One example is a home where the cold and hot water come from the same place but split off for into pipes for the first floor of the home and then split off in a different direction to create separate cold and hot pipes for the second floor fixtures.

This residential plumbing system is more efficient for providing hot and cold water to the fixtures that are far away but it does make it more complicated for plumbers to make repairs.

Series Residential Plumbing

This is the simplest method of residential plumbing. With this system, the hot water comes from a hot water heater and the cold-water come from a ground supply. The pipes that the water runs through are side-by-side but separate. The pipes run the hot and cold water to the nearest fixture and then these same pipes run it to the next fixture and so on.

Because this system is so simple, it makes it much easier for a plumber to detect issues like leaks. It just requires a process of elimination because all of the water lines both hot and cold, are connected. One of the main drawbacks to the series home system is that it can take a long time for the fixture from the hot water heater to get hot water.