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What are some car maintenance mistakes?

One of the most common car maintenance mistakes is not cleaning the car properly. This can include not wiping down the windshield, door handles, and vents, or not washing the car.

Another common mistake is not changing the oil or filter in the car. Not cleaning the parts will eventually cause them to wear out and need to be replaced, which can cost you a lot of money.

Other common car maintenance  mistakes include not checking for leaks, not replacing broken bulbs, and not refilling the gas tank. All of these can lead to expensive repairs or even a crash.

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What are the causes of these mistakes?

One of the most common car maintenance mistakes made at home is not replacing the air filter regularly. Air filters are important because they help to remove dust and pollen from the air in the car. If it isn't replaced regularly, the dirt and dust can become trapped and can cause problems with the car's engine.

Another mistake that often happens at home is failing to flush the engine cooling system. This system helps to keep the engine cool, which is important for preventing problems such as overheating. If this system isn't flushed regularly, contaminants can build up and can cause problems with the car's engine.

Finally, many people forget to change the oil in their car. Oiling a car correctly is essential for preventing problems such as wear and tear on the engine, which can lead to a breakdown down the line. If you're not sure how to do it, find a qualified mechanic to help you out.