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What Happens During A Pediatric Vision Test?

A pediatric vision test is an essential part of your child's health and development. A pediatric vision test is used to measure your child's ability to see clearly and accurately. It can also help identify any potential problems with your child's vision.

The following is a brief explanation of what happens during a pediatric vision test:

Your child will be positioned in a comfortable chair with their face forward and eyes closed. A special type of lens called a Snellen chart will be placed in front of your child's eyes. 

When Should Kids Have Their Vision Checked?

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The chart shows lines at different distances, which your child will need to compare to the lines on the screen in order to see clearly. Your child's ability to see clearly and accurately will be measured on a scale from 20/20 to 5/20.

The importance of a pediatric vision test

There is no “normal” when it comes to vision. That is why it is important to have your child undergo a pediatric vision test every year. A pediatric vision test will help identify any potential issues with their eye health and can be used to create a plan for treatment should any problems be found. 

A pediatric vision exam can help detect conditions such as strabismus (misaligned eyes), amblyopia (inability to see clearly), and macular degeneration (the leading cause of blindness in adults over the age of 55). 

Additionally, a pediatric vision test can help rule out any potential issues with your child’s fine motor skills, coordination, and depth perception. By taking this step annually, you can help ensure that your child has a bright future in regard to their eye health.