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What It’s Really Like to Get Lip Injections?

Lip fillers are the injection of filler material into one or both lips using a needle and a cannula. The most common fillers used for lips are hyaluronic acid, collagen, and fat, though most lip fillers of today are made of hyaluronic acid or ingredients similar to hyaluronic acid.

Do you know why? Hyaluronic acid is a naturally-occurring substance in our bodies and is used often in skincare products and dermatologic procedures such as lip fillers because it can help skin retain moisture. You can know more about the most popular lip injections in Harley Street via

Lip fillers are a cosmetic procedure that, if done correctly, can enhance your features. They even out your lip shape, offer fullness and definition and give natural-looking volume. It's minimally invasive but may require maintenance appointments to keep up their appearance. There are many benefits to lip fillers:

  • Provides natural-looking volume
  • Evens out lip shape
  • Offers plumpness and fullness
  • Helps restore the lips' natural definition as you age

If you’re considering lip filler for the first time, make sure that the doctor does lip filler extensively and is a master injector who knows how to avoid and handle complications. It is always advisable to look for a licensed and trained healthcare professional when doing an advanced procedure.