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What You Need To Know About Law Firm Accounting

Law firms face a lot of challenges when it comes to managing their finances. From billing and invoicing to tracking expenses and tax filings, being able to keep track of financial information can be a challenge for even the most experienced accountants. 

Law firms are typically required to maintain accurate financial records in order to comply with state and federal regulations. This includes tracking expenses, income, and assets. Law firm accounting can be complex and involve a number of different accounting methods. Click here to learn more about law firm accounting.

Here are some key things to know about law firm accounting:

Getting Credits (And Debits): Accounting Basics for Lawyers

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  1. Income Statement 

The first step in law firm accounting is compiling an income statement. This report summarizes the company’s revenue and expenses over a specific period of time. It can help you determine whether your business is performing as expected and identify any potential issues.

  1. Balance Sheet 

Another key component of law firm accounting is the balance sheet. This report shows the company’s total liabilities and assets at a given point in time. It can provide valuable information about your finances, including how much money you have available to pay off debts and invest in new initiatives.

  1. Cash Flow Statement 

A final important document for law firms is the cash flow statement. This report shows how much money the company has generated (or spent) each month relative to its total liabilities and assets. It can help you monitor your business’ liquidity (aka how easily it can access funds) and make strategic decisions based on current trends.