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Why Study Abroad In Australia?

People often think of Australia as wide open spaces with outback bush, kangaroos and koalas and clean water. Australia offers more than what is expected. Australia is a popular destination for international students due to its laid-back, friendly nature, high quality education system and high standard living.

Australia is the third most visited destination by international students in English-speaking countries, after the United States and UK. Because of the cultural diversity, friendly natives and high education quality, many international students choose to study abroad in Australia.

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Australian universities are highly sought-after because of their impressive international reputation. The government regulates this system to ensure that the highest standards of education are maintained. Australia has one of the highest standards of living in the world. 

Students have the option of choosing between English language training, vocational education, or universities. Students can easily move from one qualification level to another if necessary. International students find Australia attractive because of its emphasis on scientific research. Australia is a leader in innovation and technology. 

Australia offers a wealth of technology and resources for students who choose to study there. Students from other countries can work up to 20 hours per semaine while they study in Australia. This is an excellent opportunity for students and those looking to make a living while studying in Australia.