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Fire Extinguisher – A Few Random Facts

You can easily find a fire extinguisher in any building  However, few of us know exactly how to use it. Even different types of fire extinguishers are used different purposes. Various types of disasters could occur in building where a fire breaks out. Therefore, it is important that we know at least some basic facts about a tool that is so often seen around us. You can get to know about electrical fire extinguisher via

So what exactly is a fire extinguisher?

It is generally cylindrical vessel containing the manual extinguishing agent discharged at the time of fire. It is usually intended to clear an escape route in a time of fire.

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Where do you put a fire extinguisher?

Fire extinguishers are usually placed in accordance with the type of fire likely to occur in the area and how fast it can cause damage. 

How do you keep a fire extinguisher?

• First of all, it should be one that is inspected and tested by a qualified professional at the time of purchase.

• It must ensure that the extinguishers are placed at the required distance always.

• To refill chemical extinguishers, they should be emptied and filled every six years.

• The testing process should be done every month.

• Damaged extinguishers should be replaced immediately.

• More than anything else, every body in the building must read the instructions given by the department.