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Five Aspects Of Thumb Sucking In Kids

Parents often wonder if their children's thumb-sucking is a big problem. The short answer is that it really depends. You can visit to get full knowledge about thumb sucking and its solutions.

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Problems with the thumb-sucking are that it can cause an open bite interior. It occurs when the lower and upper teeth do not match or touch This creates a gap, which affects the kid's ability to swallow. In the worst case, this can lead to eating problems.

We looked at the following phases of thumb-sucking to decide if it is problematical and if it needs to be corrected:


How often does your kid sucking his thumb? Was his finger or thumb always in his mouth? The more often a kid did it, the more likely he was to perform his bite damage.

2. AGE

How old is your kid? Children usually stop thumb sucking at preschool age. Depending on the frequency, duration, and intensity of the thumb-sucking, they may require treatment to repair the damage if they do not stop until they are of school age. The aim should be to try to get them to stop sucking their thumb before they are adult teeth come in.


How intense is your child sucking his thumb? Whether it is sitting loosely in his mouth, or he is actively and intensively suckling? Intensive thumb-sucking will cause more damage than doing it lose.


How long does your child suck your thumb? If he only did it for 5-10 minutes to fall asleep, it's unlikely that he did a lot of damage in a small window of time.


To understand the bigger picture, we must also understand what else is happening in his life. Thumb-sucking is often a coping mechanism for children. Is there social stress? We can make a recommendation for individualized care if we understand why he did it.