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Key Elements That Make Up A Quality Assurance Process

Quality Assurance is widely used in manufacturing, service, and IT industries to monitor the quality of products and services. An organization's Quality Assurance team is responsible for identifying and tracing defects, implementing corrective measures such as re-manufacturing or design modifications as well as overseeing customer feedback to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction.

Quality assurance is a process that helps to ensure that products and services meet quality standards. It is a set of activities that are designed to ensure that the output of a process meets the requirements of the customer or client. Quality assurance can be applied to any process, from manufacturing to service delivery. If you want a quality insurance tester for your project then contact FlatironsDevelopment.

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The goal of quality assurance is to prevent defects from reaching the customer. To do this, quality assurance must be built into the process from the beginning. This means that quality assurance must be planned and implemented as part of the overall process design. 

There are four key elements to a quality assurance process: 

Quality planning: This is the first step in quality assurance. Quality planning involves setting quality objectives and determining how these objectives will be met. 

Quality control: Quality control is all about monitoring and measuring process outputs and comparing them against standards. When deviations from the standards are found, corrective action must be taken to prevent defects from reaching the customer. 

Quality improvement: This is an ongoing effort to identify and eliminate causes of defects in order to improve process performance. 

Quality management: This is the coordination of all quality management activities, including quality planning, control, improvement, and reporting.

Benefits of a Quality Assurance process:

  • Avoiding costly mistakes.
  • Improving customer satisfaction.
  • Streamlining operations.
  • Increasing profits.