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Lock Repair And Other Tips To Keep Your Home Secure

If you are concerned about the safety of your home, there are many steps you can take to help prevent theft and burglaries. Follow these tips to keep your home and family safe from the in unwanted intruders.

All doors and windows leading to the outside of your home should have locks and padlocks that work without much effort. If your window lock is loose or doesn't lock securely, it's a good idea to fix the lock to keep it tight.  To find more about the window lock repair visit

window lock repair

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Secure your garage

If your garage door has windows, cover them with a tarp, trash bag, or other protective material so people can't see what's inside. Change the frequency of automatic door keypad codes.

If your garage has an inner door, attach the latch and tighten the lock to make sure it gets in the way. When you leave town for the weekend or longer, secure your garage with a padlock to keep thieves out.

I'll be easy

You must have motion sensor headlights mounted above your front door or your garage. Thieves are more likely to leave the house if exposed to bright spotlights as they pass. Make sure your door is always locked and that the lock on the outer door is fixed so that intruders can easily enter.