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What are the Different Types of Parts in a Car ?

Auto electrical parts are made up of different types of parts that work together to make the car run. These parts include the engine, transmission, steering, brakes, and suspension. Each part has its own specific job in the car and needs to be maintained and replaced as needed.

The Category of Engine is responsible for turning the wheels to move the car forward. It contains pistons, valves, and coils that work together to create power. The engine needs regular maintenance to keep it running smoothly, such as oil changes and tune-ups.

Transmission transmits power from the engine to the drive shafts, which then move the vehicle's wheels. It includes gears, shafts, and bearings that need to be kept in good condition for optimum performance. A transmission overhaul can cost thousands of dollars so it's important to get it serviced regularly.

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Steering is responsible for keeping the car on track. The wheelbase determines how far left or right the front or rear end of the car can go based on how much input from the driver. The steering system includes a rack and pinion assembly (R&P), which sends torque to each wheel via a universal joint. A bad steering system can cause headaches for drivers so it's important to have it checked out regularly by a mechanic.

Brakes are essential for stopping the car quickly in an emergency situation. They use friction against fluid (like brake fluid) stored in pads on either side of each wheel to stop or  slow the car. Brakes need to be serviced regularly to ensure they work properly in an emergency.